My Big Fat Alien Wedding: Stargazer Alien Reality Show Brides #2
My Big Fat Alien Wedding
Stargazer Alien Reality Show Brides #2
Tasha Black
13th Story Press
Copyright © 2019 by 13th Story Press
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the publisher
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
13th Story Press
PO Box 506
Swarthmore, PA 19081
Tasha Black Starter Library
About My Big Fat Alien Wedding
My Big Fat Alien Wedding
1. Ruby
2. Ruby
3. Parker
4. Ruby
5. Parker
6. Parker
7. Ruby
8. Tag
9. Ruby
10. Parker
11. Ruby
12. Ruby
13. Ruby
14. Parker
15. Ruby
16. Parker
17. Parker
18. Ruby
19. Parker
20. Ruby
21. Parker
22. Ruby
23. Parker
24. Parker
25. Ruby
26. Ruby
Haunted Alien Honeymoon (Sample)
1. Olivia
2. Wayne
3. Wayne
4. Olivia
Tasha Black Starter Library
Intergalactic Dating Agency
About the Author
One Percent Club
Tasha Black Starter Library
Packed with steamy shifters, mischievous magic, billionaire superheroes, otherworldly alien mates, and plenty of HEAT, the Tasha Black Starter Library is the perfect way to dive into Tasha's unique brand of Romance with Bite!
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About My Big Fat Alien Wedding
What happens to the wedding planner if things don’t go according to plan?
Parker never understood the concept of Earth love until he met Ruby. Now he’s head over heels for his brother’s curvy wedding planner. His heart aches, his pulse throbs, and all the love songs and chick flicks of Earth suddenly make perfect sense to the sexy alien.
Ruby is planning an amazing reality show wedding for her best friend, but can’t help getting weak-kneed every time the groom’s brother is around. When Parker offers to help Ruby so she can bring the wedding off in just one week, Ruby is eager to spend more time with the hunky alien. The only challenge is to hide her attraction from the cameras at all costs - after all, they are supposed to be planning Margot’s big day!
But when Ruby’s old high school crush conveniently arrives on the scene to star on the show as her co-wedding-planner, things get complicated quickly. It seems to Parker that the producers have something specific in mind when it comes to Ruby’s future. But even with interplanetary relations in the balance, how is he supposed to keep his mouth shut and watch her fall for another man?
If you like strong women, sexy aliens, wild adventures, steamy sensual scenes, and happily-ever-afters, then you’ll love the world of Stargazer:
Stargazer Alien Reality Brides:
-So You Think You Can Marry an Alien
-My Big Fat Alien Wedding
-Haunted Alien Honeymoon
My Big Fat Alien Wedding
Ruby knew she was dreaming.
The glow of the candlelight was too bright. The deep darkness outside the halo of light was too perfectly black, like someone had hung a dark, velvet curtain.
And the air was heavy with the sweet scent of the blossoming flowers that hung from the trellises surrounding the grassy clearing where she waited.
Morning glories. Except it was nighttime.
Then the music began, the soft, familiar notes of Pachelbel’s Canon in D, unfolding with uncanny simplicity.
Ruby had always loved that song.
She had watched countless brides walk down the aisle to these same notes. But there was no bride to be seen.
There was no one at all.
Ruby was alone among the blossoms and the gentle building of the music. Alone in the setting of her own dream wedding.
She knew he was coming before he appeared.
The candles flickered and the morning glories shivered on the bower.
Then he stepped into the circle of light.
Parker’s golden hair glowed like a halo in the soft blaze. He gazed down at her with eyes so blue it almost hurt to look back at him.
“Ruby,” he murmured, his deep voice resonating within her very core.
She was frozen, utterly mesmerized by his masculine beauty.
He held his arms out to her, an invitation to dance. And although Ruby had spent a lifetime avoiding anything that required agility or grace, she went to him anyway.
He smiled when she was in his arms, curling one big hand around her waist, grasping her hand with the other.
Ruby lost herself in the music and the feel of his big warm body.
His eyes twinkled like starlight as he gazed down at her.
He was enormous, with a chiseled jaw and planes of muscles that were clearly visible against the fabric of his button-down shirt.
He’s an alien, she reminded herself, thinking this might calm the lust that skittered across her skin and smoldered in her veins.
But he was so gentle, holding her as if she might break.
And there was something puppyish about him too, as if he hadn’t quite grown into this big body yet.
He needs to mate. He needs to click with a human.
Ruby was the opposite of frightened.
His expression turned tender as the music swelled and she felt herself lifted emotionally, flying on wings of happiness.
When he bent to kiss her she went up on her toes. He swept her off her feet so swiftly, she didn’t realize it was happening.
And when he pressed his lips to hers she saw stars.
“Ruby,” someone called in the distance.
She wanted to protest, but her voice wouldn’t work.
“Ruby,” Margot’s voice reached her again, along with a quick knocking sound.
In her dream, Parker’s hold on her was softening, his blue eyes fading until Ruby awoke, alone in her bed.
“Are you up?” Margot asked from the living room.
“Yeah,” Ruby yawned. “Come in if you want.”
“Sorry,” Margot said, slipping into the room.
Ruby’s roommate was an actress. And today she looked more like the formidable queen she played on TV than ever. Confidence and happiness had her standing taller, eyes sparkling.
Margot was going to marry Parker’s brother, Kent, in a ceremony that would be televised live all over the world.
And Ruby was not only going to be her maid of honor, she was going to help plan the wedding.
The whole thing was very exciting. Ruby chided herself for not being more enthusiastic to wake up and get started.
“What’s the plan for today?” she asked, sitting up.
“We’re going to check out a few possible venues,” Margot said. “And Olivia wants to talk with us about plans. She wants to meet at the farm for breakfast.”
“Sounds good,” Ruby said. “Do I have time for a quick shower?”
“Sure,” Margot replied. “I’ll be in the other room. I have a cou
ple of calls to make.”
Ruby watched her go.
Somehow Margot was already showered, dressed and looking wide awake.
Ruby only wished she were a morning person.
She dragged herself out of bed, hoping the hot water of a good shower would wash away the vestiges of her dream.
As much as she enjoyed thoughts of Parker, her friend was getting married in short order. And it was Ruby’s job to plan it. These next few months needed to be all about Margot and Kent.
Half an hour later, Ruby and Margot were pulling up the gravel driveway of the farm, the trees on either side growing close enough to form a tunnel overhead.
“Can you believe it was just a week ago that we were riding our bikes to get here?” Margot asked dreamily.
It figured that Ruby’s optimistic best friend had apparently already forgotten what had happened when they’d arrived last time.
Ruby thought about how Regina Talbot had nearly stolen the contest away from them both, right there on the farm.
“It all turned out fine,” Margot said in a teasing way, as if she had read Ruby’s mind.
“I guess it did,” Ruby said, grinning.
They parked and headed up to the farmhouse where Olivia was already seated at a picnic table, chatting with a buxom woman with long brown hair.
“Margot, Ruby, this is Sage,” Olivia said as they approached.
“Hi,” Ruby said.
“Come on, have a seat,” Sage said.
Ruby sat on the bench next to her friend and took in the spread. The table was practically covered with platters of pancakes, eggs, sausage links and bowls of glistening sliced fruit.
“We have a big family living here,” Sage said with a smile. “But you guys get first dibs.”
Ruby figured it must be a very big family if the feast was just supposed to be breakfast.
Sage handed her a mug for coffee, and she took the carafe and poured out a nice serving.
“Sage is the public relations liaison for the men from Aerie,” Olivia explained. “Our resident PR expert.”
“I don’t know about expert,” Sage said modestly.
“Look at the numbers for the first show and tell me you’re not an expert,” Olivia said, rolling her eyes. “Anyway, Sage has been talking to me about how to make an effective wedding show for aliens.”
“Big picture, it’s not just about aliens,” Sage said. “Just like So You Think You Can Marry An Alien wasn’t just about aliens. Most wedding shows have a theme - destination wedding, wedding with an overbearing bride or family member, weddings on a budget, that kind of thing.”
Margot nodded.
Ruby tried to imagine Margot as an overbearing bride, but she couldn’t do it. Ruby’s family was in the wedding planning business, and she knew how to size up a bride.
Margot was good-natured to begin with. And now that she was madly in love with Kent, she was downright jolly. There was no way they were going to get her to go full bridezilla.
“We’re thinking that between the way these guys fall hard and fast, and the demand for another show quickly after the success of the first, we have to do something entirely different,” Sage said.
“What did you have in mind?” Margot asked.
“Although we are keeping the working title - My Big Fat Alien Wedding, our theme is wedding-in-a-week,” Olivia said with a smile.
“Wedding in a week?” Margot asked, looking a little shocked.
“Yes,” Sage said. “But don’t worry, you’ll have a ton of support.”
“The whole crew, of course,” Olivia said, “and an extra special guest star.”
Olivia paused to take a sip of coffee, allowing the suspense to build.
Ruby took a sip of her own coffee, wondering what minor celebrity was being brought in to sing at the wedding.
“It’s Tag Tuckerton,” Olivia said softly, her eyes flashing.
“Who’s that?” Margot asked.
Ruby nearly choked on her coffee.
“Oh wow, you don’t watch a lot of TV, do you?” Olivia asked Margot. “Tag Tuckerton is the star wedding planner. He’s had several reality shows. Right, Ruby?”
Ruby nodded wordlessly, still recovering from her surprise.
“We absolutely have every confidence in you, Ruby,” Olivia said quickly, clearly misunderstanding Ruby’s silence. “We just thought that with the quick turnaround you could use a partner. And of course, Tag is used to the televised aspect.”
“That’s great,” Ruby managed. “It’s a great idea.”
“Wonderful,” Olivia said with a relieved smile.
“Tag will be arriving later today,” Sage said. “Margot, if you and Ruby want to discuss your own plans you’ll be able to catch Tag up when he gets here.”
“We’ll get started with that now,” Margot said, eyeing Ruby with concern. “Want to get out of here?”
“Sure,” Ruby said, hopping off the bench. “Thanks for breakfast.”
“You hardly ate,” Sage protested.
“We’re too excited,” Margot assured her. “Can we take our plates in?”
“Oh no, you’ve got to leave something for the boys to do,” Sage said. “Go on, have fun planning.”
They scurried down the hillside toward the car as Olivia and Sage resumed their conversation.
Margot stayed quiet until they were pulling out of the gravel drive, for which Ruby was grateful. It gave her a moment to collect herself.
“So what’s the deal with Tag Tuckerton?” Margot asked.
“I don’t even know where to start,” Ruby admitted.
“You don’t like his shows?” Margot asked.
“It’s not that at all,” Ruby laughed. “My family and I make a point to watch as many of them as we can.”
“So you’re a fan?” Margot asked.
“It’s more than that,” Ruby said. “I guess you could say that it’s personal. Tag used to work for my family’s wedding planning business, back when I was a teenager.”
“No way,” Margot said. “That’s awesome.”
“Yeah,” Ruby said a little dreamily. “I had a huge crush on him.”
“Oh, now I get it,” Margot said, smiling. “Poor Parker.”
Ruby looked to Margot.
“You thought I didn’t notice?” Margot asked. “I was sort of hoping this might wind up being a double wedding.”
“There’s nothing going on between Parker and me,” Ruby protested.
Though she liked the sound of it a lot.
“Well, maybe there isn’t, but I’ll bet he wishes there was,” Margot said. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”
“I don’t know why we’re talking about me at all,” Ruby said, desperate to change the subject before her feelings got the best of her. “We’re planning your wedding. And now we only have a week.”
“When you put it that way, I think maybe I’m Team Tag now,” Margot said, raising an eyebrow.
“He’s not even going to remember me,” Ruby predicted darkly. “I was madly in love with him, and he barely noticed me.”
“How could anyone forget you?” Margot asked.
“My parents are going to flip when they hear he’s part of this,” Ruby said. “I still can’t believe it.”
“Everything that’s happened here has been incredible,” Margot said, nodding. “Who would have thought that on top of it all, you’d have the chance to work with your dream guy?”
“Yeah,” Ruby agreed. “My dream guy…”
Parker strode down what passed for the main street of the little town of Stargazer, flanked by his brothers.
Wayne was on his left - the largest of the three, a dark-haired man with a deep voice which he was using just now to try and convince their other brother, Kent of something.
“Parker and I have plenty of things we can do to help the family,” Wayne said. “We could find a way
to help Sage with publicity somewhere else. We don’t need to be here right now, getting in the way while you and Margot are planning a wedding.”
Parker’s heart clenched at the idea.
He was in love with Ruby Bruno, Margot’s best friend. The idea of leaving her, even for a short time, pained him to an extent he hadn’t thought possible until he’d felt the strength of the mating bond.
This love was sharp and deep.
Suddenly the poetry and songs of mankind, which had rung false before, opened their secrets to him. Now Parker understood the beautiful agony of unquenched desire and unspoken tenderness.
“Yes, brother,” he said, hoping the sadness in his voice went undetected. “We would be happy to go.”
But Parker had forgotten his brother’s gift for detecting lies.
“I don’t think so,” Kent said, laughing. “And don’t lie to me, brother, you know it doesn’t work.”
“I am sorry,” Parker said. “I do not wish to disturb your wedding plans, and that is the truth. But I am struggling to understand our usefulness in this situation.”
“I know,” Kent said. “But you are not disturbing my plans. It is the opposite. I want you both here, as involved with the day as possible, and so does Margot.”
A group of women headed the opposite way on the sidewalk giggled and blushed as they approached.